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Steve Payne:


Steve was born in December 1962 in Newport, Isle Of Wight, which is an island off the south coast of England.

His parents neighbours had an Interceptor, in which he would get a lift to school. This is how the seed of Jensen ownership was sown.

Steve left the Isle of Wight in 1979 to became an engineer in the Royal Air Force, working on Lightening fighter jets for 9 years. After leaving the RAF, Steve worked as a manager of a company producing water  cooler bottles for a while, before starting his own business, which he currently still runs.

He divorced in 2000, and purchased a cottage in rural Oxfordshire. This was built in 1870, and had been a roadside cafe for travellers until 1973, when it became a private residence. He added a large, purpose built garage to the cottage, and this led to the search for an Interceptor. The cars he saw  fell into two categories: ones that were either in poor condition; or dealers cars that were very expensive.

He eventually found one advertised in the Jensen Owners Club magazine. The car had been used as a company car for 4 years, and while not in perfect condition, was the best he had seen so far.

He brought  the 1973 Interceptor 3, chassis number 136- 8494  in 2000 for £6500.

The cars has received extensive refurbishment and modification since, and has become a test bed for many new ideas for updating the classic car theme.

Steve married Sarah in 2018 and they are enjoying his car together by taking it on holidays and trips.